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Blachotrapez awarded during the Top Polish Brands 2020 gala

Date added: 10.03.2020

On Friday, 6th March Top Polish Brands gala was held at the Bristol Hotel in Warsaw. The CEOWORLD Magazine chapter awarded dozens of Polish companies with special awards. We are delighted to inform you that our company has been awarded with two Top Polish Brands statuettes.

Top Polish Brands awards are given by the CEOWORLD Magazine for exemplary entrepreneurship. Forty crystal statuettes were handed during this year's gala, including two for our company. Blachotrapez was awarded one for the overall business activity of the company, while the Group President, Rafał Michalski, received the second, individual one. On behalf of the board, the award was received by Mateusz Kubiński, the Wholesale Director, present at the gala.

The award confirms the right path chosen by our company. We care for the progress of the entire industry by focusing on constant and systematic development, modernisation of production systems, and implementation of innovative product solutions. We are not only setting the direction in terms of technology, but we are also an ambassador of Polish quality abroad.

We would like to thank the editorial staff of the CEOWORLD Magazine and the chapter for noticing our contribution to the development of Polish entrepreneurship.


We are part of the Blachotrapez Group
Grupa Blachotrapez
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